Kids Rhymes

Rhymes are the repetition of related words generating same sound in two or more lines in meaningful way. Rhyming poem written using rhyming words are called as rhyming couplet or rhymes.

We have provided below number of unique, attractive, sweet, meaningful and interesting rhymes for your nursery kids and children over different topics such as rhymes for mummy, rhymes for papa, rhymes for grandfather, rhymes for grandmother, rhymes for grandparents, etc. All the rhymes are written using very simple, small and easy English words and lines especially for the small kid’s as well as helping all the sweet mummy of kids. You can select any of the rhymes according to your need and requirement which your kids can easily learn and enjoy.

Kids Rhymes
LKG Rhymes UKG Rhymes
Nursery Rhymes
 ABCD Rhymes  Aeroplane Rhymes
 Animal Rhymes  Birthday Rhymes
 Bus Rhymes  Butterfly Rhymes
 Christmas Rhymes  Clap your Hands Rhymes
 Colours Rhymes  Dog Rhymes
 Duck Rhymes  Elephant Rhymes
 Finger Rhymes  Fruits Rhymes
 Grandfather Rhymes  Grandmother Rhymes
 Grandparents Rhymes  Ice Cream Rhymes
 Lion Rhymes  Nana-Nani Rhymes
 Number Rhymes  Mother Goose Rhymes
 Mummy Rhymes  Papa Rhymes
 Shapes Rhymes  Teddy Bear Rhymes
 Train Rhymes

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