
Slogans on Save Trees

Trees are very essential for the healthy and happy life on the earth. They play great role all through the life of human beings and animal in various aspects. Mainly, they are the rich source of fresh food and oxygen which we need to continue our life. They also provide us cool shelter, medicines, tools, etc benefits without taking back anything. We should plant more trees and save them by just watering and stop cutting them.

Oxygen is the basic need of life which we can only get from the plants, so we should take a pledge to plant more trees as well as increase social awareness about ‘save trees’ among common public.

Save Trees Slogan in English

We have provided below some effective, free, unique and motivational slogans on save trees which you can use to encourage common people living in the society or community towards save trees.

Following save trees slogans may easily motivate people about save trees.

You can use such slogans on trees to encourage and aware people at any related occasion, event celebration, etc.

So, don’t be late, hurry up and go through these slogans to find your best ones:

Unique and Catchy Slogan on Save Trees



One two three, lets plant more tree.



A plant a day keeps diseases away.



Trees on, Global warming gone!



Save trees, save this planet.



Save Trees, Save Life!




Save Trees, Save Environment.



Save trees, reduce green house effect.



Save trees, be healthy.



Save tree, combat climate change.



Plant more tree as it never charge a fee.


Saving the trees has a big reason; it gives us the fresh oxygen.


No one but trees are helpful in decreasing natural calamities.


Save the tree to get fresh air for free.


Save the trees as they have life and are equally important for us to survive.


It would be better, don’t destroy the nature. Save the trees.


A dead person doesn’t need tree but you are alive, think about it.


For a healthy body and healthy soul, saving and planting trees make your goal.


Saving trees is a good Idea; it will make a green India.


Trees provide charm and no harm. Save Trees.


Before cutting a tree you must be aware, how will you get fresh air?


Save trees, save earth.


Save trees, freshen up the environment.


Save trees to breathe fresh air.


Save trees, save life on the earth.


Save trees, save nature.


Save tree, save shelter of animals.


Save trees, eliminate global warming.


Save trees, eradicate pollution.


Save trees, reduce air pollution.


Save trees, be oxygenated.


Save trees, decorate the nature with green.


Save trees, save nature’s beauty.


Save tree, get natural air condition.


Save trees, regularize seasonal changes.


Save trees, enhance economy.


Save trees, get natural friends.


Save trees, get clean!


Save trees, conserve energy!


Save trees, save water!


Save trees, prevent water pollution.


Save tree, save wildlife’s habitat.


Save trees, encourage unity.


Save trees, prevent soil erosion.


Save trees get natural and healthy food.


Save trees and be prevented from ultra-violet rays


Save trees and get out of respiratory diseases.


Save trees, live active lifestyle.


Save trees, reduce carbon footprints.


Save trees, reduce environmental temperature.


Save trees, reduce noise pollution.


Trees give good look; don’t destroy them from earth book.


Plant a tree, plant a tree and make this earth pollution free.


A plant a day can make us healthy, wealthy and wise.


Save trees save future of our next generation.


Let us feel free to plant more tree and get oxygen free.


Plant trees and save trees.


Stop being greedy and make this earth greenery.


Plant a tree a day and keep flood and soil erosion away.


Don’t be a bug, just give a hug.


If you want to be disease free, just plant more tree.


One can live without family but not without tree. Just save and plant trees.


Trees are best friends, Save them!


Save paper and reduce plant cutting.


Plants are nature’s resource, Save them!


Each one plant one to make atmosphere healthy for everyone.


No time is better other than now to plant a tree.


More trees, less air pollution! Please plant more trees.


Planting a tree is much better than wearing a mask to be safe from pollution.


Be an initiator yourself and plant a tree. Never wait others!


Just think about your future generations and plant trees.


Gift your friends a sapling and request them to plant.


Trees are living beings, love them and care them.


If you cut a tree, you kill a life.


If you save a tree, you save a life.


If you plant a tree, you plant a life.


Hug a tree but avoid to cut a tree!


Plant a tree and plant a hope for future.


Trees take nothing but give many thing. Just plant and save them.


Plant trees and bring rain to get rid of summer heat.


Trees bring greenery and greenery bring happiness.



Related Information:

Paragraph on Save Trees

Save Trees Essay

Speech on Save Trees and Save Planet Earth


More Information:

Paragraph on Importance of Tree Plantation

Paragraph on Trees

Essay on Benefits of Planting Trees

Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation

Essay on the Importance of Trees in our Life

Speech on Importance of Trees in our Lives

Slogans on Trees


An Entrepreneur (Director, White Planet Technologies Pvt. Ltd.). Masters in Computer Application and Business Administration. A passionate writer, writing content for many years and regularly writing for and other Popular web portals. Always believe in hard work, where I am today is just because of Hard Work and Passion to My work. I enjoy being busy all the time and respect a person who is disciplined and have respect for others.