
Slogans on Love

Love is the feeling arises in the heart of a person. It benefits both, the giver and receiver. Love is a faith, respect, great force and desire for each other. True love can never die and disrespected by anyone. We have provided below some slogans on love which can inspire and motivate people. You can …

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Slogans on Nature

Nature is very important for the continuity of life on the earth. Everything on the earth is the part of nature and connected to each other for healthy survival and continuity of life in future. We should maintain the natural cycle and do not disturb it to keep the nature evergreen. However, in the last …

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Slogans on Corruption

Corruption is a greedy and unethical behavior performed by a person to fulfill his/her wishes. Corrupted people take wrong benefits of their position, power or authority for their personal benefits. It involves many activities (bribery, fraud, theft, blackmail, etc) that generally affect common people’s growth and development and thus whole country’s economy. It is one …

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Slogans on Junk food

Junk foods are injurious to health. It makes people overweight and thus calls many serious diseases such as overweight, obese, heart disease, liver problems, diabetes, cancer, and other chronic diseases. Junk foods are full of low quality nutrients and high calorie level including high level sugar and salt. It disturbs the body physiology and hormone …

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